Why A Journal Can Help Your Memory

It’s not possible with a brain to just pull up memories with the stroke of a key. We are unable to remember everything we have ever learned. So, if you would like to improve on your memory skills, there are some great how-to tips in this article.

If you want to increase your ability to recall information, put pen to paper. This simple action cements the ideas into your brain, by increasing the activity in the parts of your brain associated with memory. You can enhance your capacity to memorize or recall important information by maintaining a journal, writing letters, making lists and other activities that involve handwriting.

When you are faced with the difficult task of learning a large amount of information, break up the study session into multiple physical locations. Doing this will allow you to dissociate what you’re learning from where you are, making it easier to recall wherever you are. This means that when you learn information from several different locations, it’s more likely to stick to your long-term memory.

When trying to improve memory skills, be sure to pay attention. You may be allowing distractions and racing thoughts to get the best of your memory and consume your attention. Clear your thoughts and focus intently on what you’re being told or shown. Think about the subject of your focus and solidify the memory.

If remembering obligations or tasks is hard for you, jog your memory with sticky notes. Stick them to spots that you look at frequently during the day, for example on the edge of your computer monitor or on your restroom mirror. Simple and effective, sticky notes are an easy fix for coping with forgetfulness.

Think of your brain as a muscle. To keep it in good shape, you need to exercise it. You can decrease the effects of senility by playing puzzles.

Whenever possible, allow yourself to get a full eight hours of sleep. Sleep is essential for your short and long-term memory. When your brain is suffering from fatigue, your memory will suffer. Boost your brain power and memory by getting about eight hours of sleep nightly.

To keep your memory strong, stay socially active. Interacting with others not only keeps your spirits up, it also keeps you alert. If you don’t have enough social support or feel down, your brain will be under-stimulated, which means memory performance suffers. It is while you are having energizing conversations with those around you that your mind receives the stimulation that it needs, and this can increase your memory facilities.

Visualization can be a very helpful technique when you are try doing a task that involves memorization and recall skills. If you are trying to memorize information such as lists or charts, visual clues can greatly enhance your memorization and recall abilities. If necessary, you can create charts and grafts of your own to make things easier to memorize.

As is now evident, there are some easy things you can do to help improve your memory. Take the simple steps that you have learned from this article and use it to help improve your own memory.

Categorized as Journal